Some of the most compassionate and greatest human beings in history have batted for the other side. They have shared the love that dare not speak its name; to put it in the most melodramatic of terms. These days, we just say that they were gay. The ancient Greeks were, of course, great fans of homosexuality and lovers of their own gender. Some say, Socrates and Plato were at the forefront of this kind of thing, but I am not so sure about that. Alexander the Great was definitely a hero on a grand scale; and his love for Hephaestion was legendary (although his Wikipedia entry plays it down).

Gay Families Raising Disabled Children

The thing about being gay, is the misnomer in the name itself. Not all gay people are frivolous and party animals. I would posit that the greater majority of homosexuals are deep and tender, rather than superficially ‘gay’. That compassionate nature lends itself to shepherding the needy and being there for loved ones. Gay families raising disabled children, puts that deep and tender love to work on behalf of the most needy. Think of the clergy and the number of homosexuals who walk in the footsteps of Christ the compassionate.

Love comes in all shapes and sizes; and the church is home to a multitude of queer individuals. Only a small percentage of them are what you would call paedophiles and they have a problem, which requires treatment and control. The vast majority of gay clergy are either celibate or in relationships with consenting adults. Most priests are concerned with helping others in their communities and devote their lives to charity.

There are gay families raising disabled children all over the world, click here. In 2010, it was estimated that 19 % of the American population had a disability, which must be around 57 million people in total. The percentage of homosexuals in the USA is thought to be around 3.5%, which would be around just under 10 million people. When you crunch all those figures together, you get a sense of how many gay families raising disabled children there just might be. Both categories of human beings, and I stress the ‘human being’ label here most of all, are about diversity. We as a global population of human beings are at a stage where we are challenged with ‘growing up’; and accepting diversity is a sign of maturity. All these crazy fundamentalist religions from the Bronze Age: Judaism, Christianity and Islam are pitted against us growing up as human beings. They want to keep the world small and pretend that we still live in villages, raising goats and sheep. Well, wake up folks, we don’t!

Kids’ parties can be a battleground for identity in the 21C. Yes, those cute little affairs with fairies, pirates, princesses, superheroes, cowboys, and furry animals. Nothing brings an individual’s gender conditioning to the fore, as obviously as parenting. Family and cultural pressure is, often, brought to bear on these innocent little kiddies. Everyone has an opinion about what they should wear, including grandma and grandpa, parents, parent siblings and, even, friends. Colours for boys and colours for girls. The world seems very concerned at how these tots start out in life. Helping LGBTQI children join in with the crowd, yet grow their identity is an important aspect to consider.

Let Your Children Express Themselves

There might be male children who like feminine-orientated activities, such as unicorn parties. Conversely, there may be biologically identified girl children who wish to express their uber tomboy-ness. Let your children express themselves, how they want to, from the earliest time possible. We are learning not to impose our expectations upon our children, especially in terms of gender identity and sexual orientation. It is all about having fun and being accepted for who they are. Actually, when searching for medical insights into children’s psychology, being open to an unbiased discovery is the most important quality for parents of LGBTQI children.

Don’t Lie To Your Kids

Have you ever noticed how all parents portrayed on TV and in movies continually lie to their children? Ostensibly, they behave this way in an attempt to protect their kids from unpalatable truths. However, lying for whatever reason, usually, causes more problems than you originally started with. I would advise parents of all children, not just of LGBTQI kids, to refrain from lying to their kids. People of all ages deserve the truth, it is the only way they can, then, make informed decisions.

Innocence does not need to be protected by lies and omissions of truth. Innocence can withstand heartfelt honesty in all its emotional intensity. LGBTQI children do require a commitment to constant truthfulness by their parents and friends. In a world, which is still coming to terms with gender diversity and sexual orientation, it can be challenging for those individuals who appear to be swimming in a different direction with an unfamiliar stroke. If we can all remember that life is at its most beautiful when it offers the greatest diversity, then, this planet will be a better place for all to live on.